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Oil Delivery in Sussex County, NJ | Heating and Fuel | Bacardi Oil Service, Logo

Quality Fuel Delivered On Time, Every Time

(973) 227-1313
(732) 376-1313

Professional Oil Delivery in Wayne, NJ

When winter arrives for the year, it isn't always in a gentle flurry. Still, one thing is for sure, it's about to get very cold, which means it's time to activate the oil heater. That's why Bacardi Oil Services is your best choice for professional and reliable oil delivery in Wayne, NJ. We have a highly experienced team and strategically placed fleet around the area to ensure we can help our customers to the best of our ability. When you put your trust in us, you can rest assured that when we say we're on our way to help, you can expect us very soon.

Stay warm this winter with our high-quality services; whether it's for your home or business, we understand the importance of keeping people warm for the season. Our customers have trusted in us for many years due to our discount heating oil that adds a bit of help to fluctuating gas prices. Affordability means dependability, and we pride ourselves on knowing that we're helping people stay warm and safe for the cold winter season.

Apart from refilling your oil heater, you can also rely on us for refueling your diesel vehicles and equipment for construction projects and more. Fuel is a universal need that we can provide, which is why we've been able to expand our services to more areas in New Jersey.

Contact us today to learn more about our oil deliveries.