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Oil Delivery in Sussex County, NJ | Heating and Fuel | Bacardi Oil Service, Logo

Quality Fuel Delivered On Time, Every Time

(973) 227-1313
(732) 376-1313

Dependable Deliveries of Discount Heating Oil to Stanhope, NJ

Stay warm and within your utility budget by turning to Bacardi Oil Service whenever you need to refuel. We’re a premier provider for discount heating oil in Stanhope, NJ, and the surrounding area, offering competitive prices all year long and quick turnaround times. For many clients, we can even offer same-day delivery, meaning you never have to worry about your tank running dry.

Heating is a must-have during the cold months. You need reliable heat to prevent property damage and stay in good health. As a heating oil delivery company, our mission is to treat our product as the necessity it is, not a luxury. Contact us today to learn more about our affordable prices and dependable customer service. We look forward to adding you to our long list of satisfied clients, which we’ve been building since 1988.

Diesel Fuel Deliveries Also Available

While heating oil is our focus, we’re pleased to also deliver diesel fuel to businesses, farms, construction sites, and more. Whether you’re fueling heavy-duty equipment, generators, fleet vehicles, or something else, you can depend on our oil delivery company for competitive prices and speedy drop-offs. We understand how valuable your time is, so we never make you wait around for the fuel you need to keep going.