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Oil Delivery in Sussex County, NJ | Heating and Fuel | Bacardi Oil Service, Logo

Quality Fuel Delivered On Time, Every Time

(973) 227-1313
(732) 376-1313

Keep Warm with Discount Heating Oil Delivered to Rockaway, NJ

You never have to worry about your fuel tank running dry with Bacardi Oil Service on your side. No matter if you’re a homeowner or you manage a job site, you can rely on us for discount heating oil in Rockaway and the surrounding area. Residential, commercial, and industrial clients throughout the region recommend us for our low rates and quick deliveries. Talk to our team today to discover how we make refueling as convenient and affordable as possible. Don’t forget to ask about our volume and referral discounts to save even more!

On-Time at Any Time of Year

Heating your property is for more than comfort – it’s for safety and health as well. Without reliable heat, your property may suffer damage, and the people under your roof could become ill. Our oil delivery company believes in treating heat as the necessity it is. That’s why we keep our prices low and why we’re dedicated to quick turnaround times and same-day service when needed.

In addition to discount heating oil, we also deliver diesel fuel for generators, construction equipment, and much more. Take advantage of our solutions to ensure you’re always in operation. We’re just one call away, so you never have to worry about miscalculating your fuel needs and running out early.