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Oil Delivery in Sussex County, NJ | Heating and Fuel | Bacardi Oil Service, Logo

Quality Fuel Delivered On Time, Every Time

(973) 227-1313
(732) 376-1313

Budget-Friendly Oil Delivery in Oakland, NJ

You never need to worry about running out of fuel when Bacardi Oil Service is just a phone call away. As a leading provider of oil delivery in Oakland, NJ, we offer heating oil and diesel fuel at discounted rates. Thanks to our emphasis on speed and affordability, getting the fuel you need is a simple and straightforward process.

Customer-First Approach to Service

Whether you are stocking up on oil for your home or need a streamlined fueling strategy for your business, we’re here for you. Our company has a full fleet of trucks at its disposal. As a result, we can fulfill delivery requests in as little as a day--or at a time that is most convenient for you.

Enjoy discount heating oil for less. We make our oil prices competitive, and we can even provide volume discounts for most orders. If you refer a friend or business partner, you may also be eligible to receive free oil from us. It’s a deal that won’t leave you out in the cold.

Are you worried about securing a steady supply of low-sulfur diesel fuel for your vehicles or generators? With our company, you can keep your operations running as smoothly as possible. We provide 24/7 on-site delivery and refueling at affordable prices. Arrange a delivery service and learn how we provide better value than the competition.

Contact us to request our oil delivery services. Our company serves commercial and residential clients throughout Oakland, NJ, and the surrounding area.