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Oil Delivery in Sussex County, NJ | Heating and Fuel | Bacardi Oil Service, Logo

Quality Fuel Delivered On Time, Every Time

(973) 227-1313
(732) 376-1313

Keep Heating Costs Low with Oil Delivery in Matawan, NJ

We never know what winter has in store, but snow and cold are a certainty. As the temperatures drop and the frost appears, it’s time to prepare for shorter days and a winter wonderland. Don’t get caught out by a sudden cold snap; talk to Bacardi Oil Service about topping up your tank.

Our Customer Commitment

Affordable oil delivery in Matawan, NJ, is not just a dream; we’ve made it a reality. Through cost-effective business practices and years of experience, we can offer our customers discount heating oil that won’t break the bank. We prioritize quality fuel that gets delivered to your home when you need it, not when it’s convenient for us.

Prepared for Anything

Just call to schedule your oil delivery, and rest easy knowing you are prepared for whatever winter throws at us. Although there’s no telling how many storms or stretches of cold weather are on the way, knowing we have your back will go a long way toward peace of mind this season. 

Quality fuel, affordable prices, excellent service, and on-time oil delivery are what set us apart from the rest. Never take chances on running low on home heating fuel; give us a call today!