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Oil Delivery in Sussex County, NJ | Heating and Fuel | Bacardi Oil Service, Logo

Quality Fuel Delivered On Time, Every Time

(973) 227-1313
(732) 376-1313

Ledgewood’s Trusted Supplier for Discount Heating Oil

As snow piles up and the thermometer’s mercury goes down, you rely on heating oil to keep your home, business, or job site comfortable. However, it can be challenging to predict how much oil you need, and your reserves will eventually run dry without careful planning. Plus, prices tend to fluctuate upward when it’s most inconvenient.

The good news is Bacardi Oil Service is here to make heating simple and affordable for you. Since 1988, we’ve been the trusted supplier for discount heating oil in Ledgewood and the surrounding area. Whether you’re a homeowner or you manage a commercial property, you can count on our drivers to deliver the fuel you need to ward off winter’s chill.

Contact us to learn more about our convenient delivery services and everyday low prices. We’ll also be happy to answer your questions about our volume discounts and referral discounts.

Diesel Fuel Delivery Also Available

Get same-day, on-site fueling for your diesel equipment by hiring our team. In addition to our heating oil delivery services, we also supply fuel for generators, commercial fleets, construction sites, farm equipment, and much more. No matter what you need diesel fuel for, you can rely on our drivers to get you refueled quickly and affordably.