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Oil Delivery in Sussex County, NJ | Heating and Fuel | Bacardi Oil Service, Logo

Quality Fuel Delivered On Time, Every Time

(973) 227-1313
(732) 376-1313

Heating Oil in Manchester Township, NJ

Ensure your heating system runs smoothly with Bacardi Oil Service. Since 1988, we have been the trusted partner for heating oil in Manchester Township, NJ, providing high-quality services to home and business owners in the area. With our experience and skills, our team understands customer needs and goes above and beyond to meet their requests promptly.

Schedule a delivery or refill today to keep your property warm.

Longevity and Efficiency

Heating oil is known for its long-lasting efficiency. It burns better than other energy sources, requiring less fuel for the heating system to achieve the desired temperature. Additionally, modern heating systems are designed for durability, making furnaces more efficient and allowing the warm air to flow better. The higher efficiency and durability result in cost savings for residential and commercial properties.


Oil is one of the safest fuels available for heating systems because it’s non-explosive and causes minimal risk of carbon monoxide leaks. Though these systems keep properties warm with a controlled fire that is intentionally lit a few times a day, the heating oil doesn’t burn in a liquid state or instantly combust in case of a leak. Nevertheless, it’s crucial to ask for immediate professional assistance when a leak is found or to schedule regular inspections to avoid further issues.